Team Building Workshops: A New Creative Approach

Team Building Workshops are gaining more and more importance in the business world. Previously, while most training programs were aimed primarily at informing employees about a company, its products, services and policies, more and more companies are interested in preparing employee skills for productivity, which ultimately benefits your business.

All organizations expect their employees to have a specific skill set and do not hesitate to invest in in-company training workshops that lead to long-term business growth and development. All training programs are not identical and the program is decided according to the desired result. However, another trend that is affecting businesses is the Creative Training Workshop, which aims to stimulate your creative side and helps you to give a fresh perspective on how to manage and overcome your business problems.

Photo by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash

Types of Team Training Games 

Each individual thinks in a different way and, therefore, to agree on an isolated path is an extremely difficult task. This becomes an obstacle when you work in a company and other people are connected during the process. Keeping a group of people working towards a goal as a single component is, in fact, the most beneficial thing you can think of in any organization. But it is certainly not always likely that this requires a culture on the part of the team.

There are several strategies and workout exercises that are simple and easy, but nevertheless very effective in joining the group and doing the job as a figure towards the goal. A person can find a large number of training courses on indoor and outdoor equipment available on the market.  The games explained below are part of this type of team training course and will probably allow you to create a positive team:

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Treasure Hunt Games 

Treasure hunt games are usually fast-paced games and also include tactics such as strategic planning, risk-taking, goal-setting techniques, oral communication and working as a team. These games will certainly enhance learning in the areas of connection of staff members, relationship, focus, the usefulness of discussing the experience, team alignment and a lot of other.


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Blind Polygon 

In this game, all members of the team will be blindfolded. The strings will be presented to the whole group, then they will be asked to form any type of geometric figure, blindfolded. To maximize the difficulties, you need to ask them to build difficult designs by simply asking them not to talk or discuss how to perform a specific task.

Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash

Human Knot Game 

In a game of this type, we should not have less than three people (the more the better). Then, simply form a narrow human circle (each person must hold hands with two different individuals). The main reason is to try to get rid of the knot while each individual in the group holds hands. They are not allowed to let go of the hand. Once the circle is created, few people will face each other and some will face each other. Be careful when participating in this specific game, mainly because sometimes it will also be very problematic to divide the human knot, and in splitting situations, this simply should not be done. Please do not bend the body too much, as this will probably cause injury.


Photo by Michael Longmire on Unsplash

A Penny for Your Thoughts 

This is usually a pretty simple activity. Just give each participant a bag containing coins representing the sum of its members. In this case, 5 pieces for 5 participants. The goal is simply to make a good comment to the other participants to win a penny each. The game ends each time each piece is exhausted.


Photo by Perry Grone on Unsplash

Advantages of Corporate Team Building Workshop 

There are many benefits to creating events, but for that, you need to be very effective. In this type of activity, it is essential to be able to create business teams. If you look at companies that generate glorious profits, you will always notice that there is a decent, tireless and dedicated staff behind all this success. The benefits of creating enterprise teams are so important that almost all companies have incorporated methods and programs into their normal coaching information. Most of the company’s blessings are noted in the long run. The construction of the company guarantees the content staff dedicated to the company.

Enterprise team building is useful for all types of business, be it small, medium or massive. In small businesses, staff usually have to perform more than one task; Coaching and group formation are therefore very important. In large companies, employees cannot achieve the simplest results without being integrated into a highly intelligent work environment. The company’s team minimizes the expense and time required to recruit and train new employees.


Photo by Hillary Ungson on Unsplash

The team ensures increased productivity, competence and profit. The benefits of starting a business Creative Workshop include improved morale and leadership skills, the ability to overcome barriers, clearly defined goals and objectives, and a better understanding of processes and procedures. The newly reached union will not allow the team to feel dissatisfied. Team members can fight obstacles and challenge united unity. These events offer realistic experiences that allow members to contribute to common goals.

Corporate team building activities also provide team members with an excellent opportunity to understand each other and build effective operational relationships.  These team building practices can also improve a member’s personal life, as they have an increased ability to associate and fill the environment. Increased communication skills, increased concentration, a high cognitive process, reduced stress and self-esteem provide a positive sense of well-being for all members.

Effective company building ensures strong support for company and project management efforts, better communication, the faster and more effective resolution of conflicts, a form of private purpose and job satisfaction.  If you choose the right construction techniques, you can improve your performance in any case. Therefore, you should always focus on building a business team to achieve the best result.

Looking for more ways to make your business training, meetings and workshops more fun? Check out our blog: 10 Ways to Make Your Training Interesting


  1. Cathy on March 28, 2019 at 12:03 pm

    Great info and very helpful! Thanks!