All About Cakes

Orlando Wedding Venue Cake Options

In this blog, Claire goes over everything you need to know about cakes and dessert for a wedding at Trellis 925, a Central Florida Wedding Venue. How much does a cake cost? Cakes are actually a per person or by the slice type deal, so you pay anywhere between three dollars and thirty dollars per…

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A Dance of Words: What is a Calligraphy Artist?

Wedding War Wednesday

Photo by Carissa Weiser on Unsplash   Calligraphy is the visual art form of creative writing and typography. Its serifs and strokes embolden and embellish thoughts from the mind onto paper. Though it is a rare art form today, it’s life flourishes in the wedding world as a symbol of elegance and beauty!   At…

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Neon Urban Art Styled Shoot at HUB 925

Wedding Furniture

Check out this amazing styled shoot at HUB 925. This wedding inspiration shoot shows how you can spice up HUB 925 to be any style that you want. At HUB 925 every color option is a great option. For this shoot they used bright colors including teal, hot pink, yellow, and green really make the…

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Wedding War Wednesday Cake Edition

Ever wanted to know how a cake tasting meeting for your wedding goes? In our Wedding War Wednesday Cake Edition we asked 3 cake bakers and 3 couples to do a mini tasting meeting followed by the cake bakers creating the design the couples want. In this 30 minute video we ask the cake bakers…

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Words with a Wedding Planner

Welcome back ladies and gents to another HubTalk. today we have a special guest! Our very own Kathryn Rawlings, certified wedding planner, and resident Tijuana Flats enthusiast! Now as many of you know, we are also a very popular wedding venue, also known as the Trellis Weddings. At Hub 925, we love having weddings. It’s…

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10 Ways to Make Your Training Interesting

Welcome back to HubTalks at Hub 925 ladies and gents! Today we’re tackling training seminars! You know the one! Your boss probably read something cool in the news, and thought to themselves, “Hey, this would really benefit the team! You know who would hate to actually go and learn this new stuff, and then teach…

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Technology meets Events

Happy New Year everyone! Welcome to your first HubTalk of 2019! It is the turn of the century friends! That means the future is already here! In Back to the Future we dreamt of floating skateboards and tacky metallic clothing! Today, however, we dream of electric vehicles and getting from one side of the country…

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